Guide: Before the Digital Learning Experience
Prepare the learners for the digital learning experience by making sure they have background knowledge about the parts of a truck and general information about the necessary steps of the pre-trip inspection.
Be sure learners know the vocabulary words that will come up in the Trucking Inspection DLX. This simulation uses the attached List of Terms as students proceed through the inspection. If learners aren’t familiar with these words, they can look them up beforehand.
Consider what they need to know about inspection tips and order, what they can expect to see, and the types of problems or red-flags to watch out for.
Caution: If any part of the Digital Learning Experience will be used in an assessment
that counts towards students’ final grades, students must be notified PRIOR to
completing the DLX
completing the DLX in accordance with Conestoga Policies.
- Learners are expected to have an understanding of the necessary steps of the pre- trip inspection before beginning the Digital Learning Experience.
- Review the vocabulary before doing the simulation. (Attached List of Terms) If
learners aren’t familiar with these words, they can look them up beforehand.
They will become familiar with inspecting:
- Truck exterior
- Truck interior
- Engine Compartment
- Wheels/Tires
- Trailer and its components
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 10:03 PM