Before the Digital Learning Experience
- Review the learning goal with students: The goal of the ACES learning experience is
to see examples of how communication skills can affect the outcome of interactions
where conflict may occur.
- Prepare the students for the digital learning experience by making sure they have
background knowledge about handling conflict in interpersonal interactions.
- Review how communication skills including tone of voice, word choice, body
language and attitude can impact or escalate conflict.
- Be sure students know the vocabulary words that will come up in the ACES DLX.
This simulation uses the attached List of Terms as students proceed through. If
students aren’t familiar with these words, they can look them up beforehand.
Caution: If any part of the Digital Learning Experience will be used in an
assessment that counts towards students’ final grades, students must be notified
PRIOR to completing the DLX, in accordance with Conestoga Policies.
- Have an understanding of handling interpersonal conflict before beginning the
digital learning experience.
- Review the vocabulary before they do the simulation. (Attached List of Terms) If
students aren’t familiar with these words, they can look them up beforehand.
- In the different options, they can see examples of how tone of voice, word choice,
body language and attitude can impact or escalate conflict, and witness how these
differences can lead to better or worse results.
- Students will receive immediate feedback with each choice, and at the end of the
completed scenario. They will also be prompted to think about what could have
led to a better or worse outcome.
- This digital learning experience uses the attached List of Terms that students may
encounter when proceeding through the simulation. If students aren’t familiar with
these words, they can look them up beforehand.
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 11:43 PM